The "shopper bag" was inspired by paper bags and has been sublimated into a bag that is also strong. It is based on a paper bag, but it is not too casual and has a sense of elegance. In particular, the metal fittings on the top four corners are accents that make it look like a bag rather than a paper bag. It also has a bottom stud so you can place it on the ground without hesitation. The handles are thin but are more durable than they look, and you can carry things like a computer. It has an inner pocket so you can use it according to your needs.
・Both the vertical and horizontal shopper bags are just the right size to fit A4 files.
shopper bag vertical plum
Horizontal: W33 x H26 x D11 x string 54 cm
Vertical: W26 x H33 x D11 x string 54 cm
・1 inner pocket (W19 x H16 cm)
Weight: 230g